規格外品 GATE




  当サイトのGIF画像はライセンスソフト 「PaintShopPro 8.1」 で作成されています。

  ■動作確認:Win IE6.0 & Opera7.23
  ■JavaScript・CSS 使用
     カラーモード:True Color(32bit)


管理人:北千住  明
E-mail: kita396@yahoo.co.jp
Welcome to my website "Kikakugaihin"!
This site is the fansite which is the secondary creative image center.

Please read and follow the following this site rules, otherwise do not enter.

>> Simplified Chinese Version Rules
>> Traditional Chinese Version Rules
>> Korean Version Rules

1)Contents on this site are mainly written in Japanese.
This site is perused, Japanese fonts is necessary.
2)This site is NOT OFFICIAL.
I am in no way affiliated with the artist or author, Toy trade mark origin,Animation production company, Publication company, or anyone else.
I don't lay claim to anything someone else already owns.
3)All images and fanfiction which exclude the banner of this website should not use without permission from the artist or the author.
At least, I hope you e-mail in Japanese me or respective artists or authors before you post it. I can't write back in English.
In any cases, do not ever link directly to all images on this site.
(As an exception, I permit the wallpaper use with your own PC.)
4)My GIF images are made by licensed software, PaintShopPro 8.1.
5)This site is best viewed with MS IE6.0.
Resolution is 800x600, up to 1024x768.
32 bit color (true color) recommended.
Encoding : Japanese (Automatic detection or Shift_JIS).

>> Link policy

Understanding the above, please take a look around.
Thank you for reading. Then, please enjoy my website!

Owner's Name: Kitasenju Akira
E-mail: kita396@yahoo.co.jp

>>> ENTER <<<


オ&ア同盟 Online Fanarts Protection 中国繁体字無断転載禁止バナー 中国語無断転載禁止バナー
遅筆同盟 無人惑星サヴァイヴオンリーイべント企画室